Sunday, March 20, 2011

Family Home Evening: Peace

Our lesson came from Elder Malm's Conference talk, "Rest Unto Your Souls".  This was a selfish lesson, because I needed peace in my heart.  Fortunately, we all had a good discussion about finding peace after learning, following Christ and being instruments in his hands.  Like most good things, achieving peace requires work and dedication because temptations are more likely to pop up than peace and contentment.  We choose to seek peace and put ourselves in places where we can find it.

We played a unique version of Pay Day where some of the bills were optional.  Where the game said, "High School dance - buy a $40 dress", we could choose to wear one we already have or buy a less expensive one.  We were encouraged to pay tithing and stay out of debt.  At the end our "winner" was based on righteous living and  we discussed what makes a successful life.

We enjoyed fudge for our treat.

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