Tuesday, June 28, 2011

All Because a Little Bug Went Ka-choo!

I've loved this book since I discovered it when my first daughter was a toddler.  While I still appreciate the humor of the book, all too often it parallels the chain reaction that is life.  Here's my story in Ten on Tuesday style!
  1. Last week our TV died. 
  2. Because our TV died, it needed to be replaced.
  3. Because it was being replaced, my husband using logic beyond my understanding, replaced it with an even bigger TV - that doesn't fit in the space we had between the two tall cabinets we used as an entertainment center.
  4. Because of my thriftiness, we laid one of the tall cabinets on it side and used that as a TV stand. I am amazed at how much dust grows on those out of sight places. I am also amazed at how often I say that.
  5. Because there is half the storage space and since we mostly use digital music, we purged our CD's 
  6. After dusting the remainder, we stored them in another closet.
  7. We also purged movies and video games.
  8. Because we are only using one of the cabinets, there is an extra that needed a home.
  9. I rearranged the storage in my craft room and made room for the tall cabinet.
  10. Because I rearranged the craft room, I dusted all those containers before settling in to our newly arranged home.
I wonder if the Little Bug in the book was as exhausted as I am?

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    The dust really is neverending, isn't it, ha! And that's totally a guy thing...always a bigger tv, lol! Thanks for linking up!


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