Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday Favorites: April 8 - the G Edition

It's time for Friday Favorites A to Z Challenge style.  Since today's letter is "G", I'll start off with a few of my favorite G's.
  • Garden - you are probably tired of hearing about our garden experiment, but I'm so excited.  There are actually things growing. In addition to lettuces, carrots, potatoes we now have green beans poking up through the soil.
  • Gospel - Last week's General Conference was truly enjoyable.
  • Good Book - I'm reading Matilda with my kids for family book club.
I  found some cool posts today, even though they don't have anything to do with "G" words:
Here's a few A to Z Blogger for today:
I'd love to hear about your favorite "G" words (keep it family friendly please), or today's favorite posts!


Kathryn said...

Thanks for linking my Chicken Corn Chowder recipe on your cute blog!! Definitely make time to make it - it's YUMMY!! - Kathryn @ Dinnertime Ideas :)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

You are so lucky to be able to start planting your garden already. I live in NE Iowa. We won't be able to plant here until early May. You'll be enjoying your lettuce before then. :)

Raejean said...

Shanon, by the time you're planting lettuce we will be sweltering hot and your won't be jealous anymore.


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