We turned to one or our favorite standbys for the activity - Apples to Apples jr.
Our intended treat was Dirt and Worms. The kiddo in charge of treat thought there was chocolate pudding in the pantry, but there was only vanilla. So we made vanilla pudding. Then I pulled out the gummy worms I bought, only to find I bought gummy bears instead. We did have a bag of forgotten gummy worms tucked away in the pantry and enjoyed our vanilla pudding and gummy worms for a treat. (And we enjoyed munching on the gummy bears during our trip!)
You commented on my blog about retelling the same stories to your kids. It reminded me that one reason I love Pres Monson's talks is because he retells favorite stories. We're all like little kids, and we feel comforted by the same old same old. I love your post!
I never thought of myself in my kiddo's position! Thanks for the comment.
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